Getty Out Of Town Overnight Ride
Event Starts In:

Getty Out Of Town Overnight Ride

Stop #1: Shell by Bakersfield H-D 107 miles (1hr 40 min) Stop #2: Chevron Valencia 82 miles (1hr 30 min) Stops are to be no more than 30 minutes Destination: Getty Museum 28 miles (30 min) Tickets are free but you have to reserve in advance. Please reserve a 1pm time slot for September 21, 2024. The web site is: Parking is $25.00 This will be a day (long) ride but those wishing to stay closest hotels are: Luxe Sunset Blvd hotel Approx cost $257 Hotel Angeleno Approx cost $153 RSVP BY SEPT 19TH CALL OR TEXT (559) 233-5279

Event Information

NOTE: For any questions and inquiries regarding this event, please contact the Event's host or you may call the phone number provided by the event organizers.

